| Heian Godan | 平安五段 |

2017-02-11 1

|Shotokan Karate Kata| Heian Godan - 平安五段

Perfomed by John Mantzaris

Heian Godan is the last kata in the Heian series and has 23 counts. A combination of quick and slow movements, timing skill and fluidity of motion are essential for this kata.

It is the first Shotokan kata containing a jump (tobi-komi), a very exciting technique for beginner and intermediate karateka. Mikazuki-geri is also first seen in H5. The mizu-nagare-kamae at the beginning of the kata and the shuto-uchikomi/manji-uke combo at the end are extremely vital for proper kata performance. Bunkai for H5 involve many throws, locks, and takedowns.


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